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Timeline Games > Collections

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Royal Sites. Spanish National Heritage

Patrimonio Nacional de España administers and manages the assets ceded by the Crown to the State, preserving its right of use and having, among others, a triple objective: to make available to ...

Most influential heroes and inspirers of the 20th century. Time 100

Most Influential Heroes and Inspirers of the 20th Century according to Time 100. We need our heroes to make sense of time. Human existence, in the words of TS Eliot, is made up of "undisciplined ...

People in the world of art and entertainment most influential of the twentieth century. Time 100

Most influential people from the Art and Entertainment World of the 20th century according to Time 100. In the first two decades of the century, Pablo Picasso, Igor Stravinsky and James Joyce, the adv ...

People in the world of art and entertainment most influential of the twentieth century. Time 100

Most influential people from the Art and Entertainment World of the 20th century according to Time 100. In the first two decades of the century, Pablo Picasso, Igor Stravinsky and James Joyce, the adv ...

People in the world of art and entertainment most influential of the twentieth century. Time 100

Most influential people from the Art and Entertainment World of the 20th century according to Time 100. In the first two decades of the century, Pablo Picasso, Igor Stravinsky and James Joyce, the adv ...

Transformaciones urbanísticas

Un consejo, estudia primero y luego practica y consolida lo aprendido. Sitúa los siguientes planes de transformación urbanística en orden cronológico.

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Transformaciones urbanísticas

Un consejo, estudia primero y luego practica y consolida lo aprendido. Sitúa los siguientes planes de transformación urbanística en orden cronológico.

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Transformaciones urbanísticas

Un consejo, estudia primero y luego practica y consolida lo aprendido. Sitúa los siguientes planes de transformación urbanística en orden cronológico.

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El Bosco: obras

Jheronimus van Aken llamado familiarmente Joen y conocido como Jheronimus Bosch o Hieronymus Bosch, en idioma español el Bosco, fue un pintor nacido al norte del Ducado de Brabante, en los act ...

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